Nama Software : WindowBlinds 7.4
Rating : 98% | Didownload : 3692 User | Ratings Decimals : 4.5
Diposting Oleh : _ Azuma
Rating : 98% | Didownload : 3692 User | Ratings Decimals : 4.5
Diposting Oleh : _ Azuma
Windows Blinds adalah aplikasi yang berguna untuk membuat tampilan windows yang kita gunakan menjadi lebih bagus dari yang standar. WinBlinds terdiri dari paket pengubah tema windows (file yang berekstensi *.wba), bisa juga digunakan untuk mengkustomisasi huruf yang digunakan, user interface color, maupun transparency (pada windows vista)
karena WinBlinds menggunakan user interface terbaru, disarankan kita menggunakan komputer yang mempunyai kinerja yang cepat dan handal, sehingga hasil yang ditampilkan juga maximal.
Easy-to-use configuration dialog
The configuration dialog is easy-to-use with its slider bar and tabbed sections at the bottom.
Once you are happy with the changes you have made to your skin, save it by creating a preset. All presets can also be updated or deleted.
Random skins option
Are you easily bored with your desktop appearance? Within the settings dialog, you have the option to set your skins to be “random”. You can have WindowBlinds change the skin every time you logon.
Per application option
Want your document software to have a different look from your design programs? Applications can have a different look applied to them, by adding them to the list in the settings dialog. You can also exclude applications from WindowBlinds or set compatibility options.
Windows 7/Vista (32 & 64-bit) and 32-bit Windows XP
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Windowsblinds 7.4 | Setup | Patch | Trial reset | Cara Install |
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